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dorr bothwell造句

  • Among his students were George Post, Rinaldo Cuneo, Dorr Bothwell, and Clayton Sumner Price.
  • Outside the classroom, Bill Zacha was the school's administrator and Dorr Bothwell acted as advisor.
  • Dorr Bothwell, a California painter, changed her first name from Doris on the advice of one of her teachers to avoid being excluded from competitive exhibitions.
  • While in San Francisco, Gee lived in Chinatown and became friends with several avant-garde artists like Kenneth Rexroth, Jehanne Bietry-Salinger, John Ferren, Dorr Bothwell, and Ruth Cravath.
  • Just arrived in Mendocino, Stevenson phoned artist Dorr Bothwell who introduced him to Mendocino Art Center founders Bill and Jennie Zacha; that night the Zachas fed Stevenson dinner and rented him a studio behind their house.
  • Dorr Bothwell studied sculpture under Stackpole, then the head of the Sculpture Department, and thought him to be sexist she said he told the women in the class that " the place they really belonged was in bed ."
  • Initially, Charles Marchant Stevenson's work focused on his distinctive multiple-image portraits, for example " Bata Bheag : Portrait of Irving S . Shapiro " ( 1968 ), " Mendocino Shepherd : Portrait of Thorkild Thompson " ( 1967 ) and " Dorr " ( 1964 ), Stevenson's portrait of Dorr Bothwell at work in her Mendocino studio.
  • It's difficult to see dorr bothwell in a sentence. 用dorr bothwell造句挺难的
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